Wednesday, April 5, 2017

EL/MS: Istation Español Updates 04/05/17

From Istation Blog:
Updated on March 27, 2017

Istation Español is growing it’s curriculum! Lectura Avanzada is introducing the students to the essential features of fiction and nonfiction genres. As students explore the Past Land (Pasado), they will be exposed to four different genres: 
1) Plays 
2) Biographies and Autobiographies 
3) Myths and Legends, and  
4) Informative Articles. 

The Student Experience
Within the first two minutes of entering the World of Genres, students will begin designing their unique avatar. Students will visit the lands of the past, present and future to read various genres of text. Selections will include plays, poems, and expository readings. At the end of a lesson, students can track their own progress. Students will receive coins in exchange for rewards based on their performance.

Typical Lesson Structure
1.) Intro to Lesson with visuals: The lesson’s intro begins with an instructional look with fun and engaging compare-and-contrast illustrations. Note- and test-taking skills are modeled, and tips and notes are embedded within each mini-lesson.
2.) Teach with audio and visuals: Visual and auditory corrective feedback is incorporated throughout the Teach portion of the lesson. The instruction is differentiated across grade levels. Teaching tools include graphic organizers, T-Charts, Venn diagrams, and compare-and-contrast illustrations.
3.) Guided Practice with short reads: Both fiction (play) and nonfiction (biography) reading selections appear in each lesson along with a graphic organizer. Students are tasked with comparing the themes of the two genres.
4.) Independent Practice and Quiz: Questions follow a standardized test format. Three sub-quizzes contain six questions that assess vocabulary and  omprehension skills and two questions in which the student must compare and contrast the readings (for a total of eight questions per quiz). Other features include a question progress bar and a speaker button to hear the question read aloud. Audiovisual feedback is provided after each answer.
5.) Reteach with a new selection and game: If a high performance score isn’t achieved, then students see a reteach section that provides reinforcement. First, they see a review of the genre’s characteristics. Then they practice applying their knowledge of vocabulary and genres. Finally, they read a new nonfiction selection and answer some questions following the same scheme as in the independent practice.

Get the handout for "Istation Presents the 'World of Genres' for Lectura Avanzada" here:

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